If you have trouble logging in, or problems viewing the different maps, please try the following methods one by one:
- Have you updated your web browser?
Edge: Updating Edge is not done directly from the software, you must use the Windows Update service instead. This service is generally accessible from the Windows Control Panel.
Firefox: After launching Firefox, click on the "?" symbol in the menu bar and select About Mozilla Firefox. An information window appears, indicating the version of Firefox you are using. The update check is done automatically. If a new version is available, click the "Apply Update" button.
Safari: The update process is not integrated in the software, you need to use the updated operating system software. Go to the Apple menu then "Software update..." If a new version of Safari is available, you will be prompted to download it.
Chrome: After launching Chrome, click the square icon (3 horizontal lines) or the key button from the menu bar, then select "About Google Chrome". The update check is done automatically. If a new version is available, click the "Restart" button to complete the update.
- Have you tried running the game on another browser such Firefox or Google Chrome?
- Have you made sure your browser is configured for WebGL?
Chrome: type "about: flags" in the address bar, then search for WebGL and activate the option.
Firefox: enter "about: config" in the address bar then search for "webgl. force-enabled" and change the value to "true". Search "webgl. disabled" if the value exists and change the value to "false".
Safari: Open the "Safari" menu and select "Preferences". Click on the "Advanced" tab. Check the field "Display the Developer menu in the menu bar". Open the "Developer" menu and click on "Activate WebGL".
- Have you updated your graphics card drivers?
On a PC: Go to Control Panel, then "System and Security", then "Device Manager", then "Graphics card". Then click on the graphics cardto show its properties. Finally, update the drivers from there.
On MAC OS X: Click the "Apple"menu. In the "Apple"menu, click "Software Update". If an update for Mac OS X is available, you can install it. If necessary, the graphics card driver update will be included in the Mac OS X update.
Caution: The WebGL technology may not be available on some older PCs or Macs, or on computers with an older and not updated operating system (Windows XP for instance).
If you have a low bandwidth connection, or if you use a public network, or a 3G key, connection issues are to be expected.
Remember that if you play from your workplace, your company's internet security may completely or partially block your access to the game.
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